Blind Man Walking (Horror Fiction Honorable Mention)

He gripped his cane tighter, arthritis stiff digits curled around the handle. Rhythmically, he swept it side to side across the cracked sidewalk. The cars that sped by over damp, fallen leaves provided further indication of the proper path. A chill breeze wafted the smell of rotting logs and decomposition and his hand pushed further […]

Horror Fiction: 3rd Place

It was a dark and stormy October night in the beautiful state of Wyoming and Farmer Tim was about to go to bed, but he was too excited because tomorrow morning he was gonna do something special. Tomorrow Tim and his entire family were gonna weigh his biggest pumpkin. Tim had been growing this pumpkin […]

Horror Fiction: 2nd Place

If we whispered the name of a dead person, it winked like a friend. If we suppressed our fright and kept quiet, it would leave quietly after several minutes. If it appeared in a wall and we yelled, we were doomed. The wall would shake, become hot and crack. The thing would disappear, leaving an […]

Horror Fiction: 1st Place

The ground is perpetually damp, the buildings creak, and the sun seems more like a hole forced into the sky than the real thing, but that is not why the town by the sea is ruined. The town has existed for centuries and will exist for centuries more. It cannot be felled by mugginess, or […]