Outside my window is a small town called Kirkwood.
In this small town, I see a school.
Inside the school I find children.
Each child has a window,
to look outside to their little part of the big world.
As they walk down the busy streets, they see neighborhoods.
Inside those neighborhoods, they see family’s and friends.
Each time they pass a house and they hear a yapping dog or a roaring motor starting.
When you enter your house to look out your window, you might see a bird there waiting to greet you.
That’s what you find when you look out your window.
Sometimes it feels as if your town is the world.
It’s special, original, it’s home.
And every day I get to peer outside my window too.
You can drive downtown to the popup shops,
the bakery’s like Great Harvest, and boutiques too, the libraries and the markets, and the Custard Stand, that I have gone to since two.
The aroma of fresh fruit, and sitting outside with a savory snow cone to cool you down.
Or a dip in the Kirkwood pool to have some fun in the summertime.
The lingering scent of scratchy hay and the chilling wind knotting up your hair when fall comes around.
In the winter the joyful feeling of going with your family to pick out a Christmas tree at the markets and your local schools.
And in the spring riding your bikes down to the plaza with your closest of friends and picnics at the park under a great oak tree.
All of these feelings, moments and senses, you feel when you know you belong.
Each window is different, But my window belongs in Kirkwood, on the street of my home where my window sits waiting for me to look outside forever.
There is something new every day outside my window.
Outside my neighborhood.
Outside my town.
And I hope everyone has a window to look outside at their beautiful little world too.