Everyday. It means, “happening or used every day; daily”.
Everyday we watched them. China. Italy. India.
Everyday we watched their numbers rise, their people die, their citizens cry.
Everyday we watched, we hoped, we prayed, that we wouldn’t be them.
Everyday we watched.
Watched it come closer . . .closer . . closer . . .
We watched it rip through us. Our homes. Our neighborhoods. New York, Seattle, and Queens.
It was here.
Everyday we watched it. We studied it. We saw the lives lost.
We let it get to us.
Coronavirus. Pandemic. Quarantine. Social distance. Six feet. These words became our everyday.
Zoom. Work from home. Asynchronous. This was our work day, everyday.
Tiger King. Whipped coffee. Tik Tok. These were our activities, everyday.
Everyday was the same.
Everyday we woke up.
Everyday we got dressed in a new pair of sweatpants.
Everyday we brushed our teeth.
Everyday we made breakfast. No more Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts.
Everyday we sat down at our living room desk.
Everyday we opened up Zoom.
Everyday we got distracted by the newest Tik Tok trend or the newest Netflix binge.
Everyday we ate dinner at home; in front of the TV, watching Tiger King.
Everyday we watched the news.
Everyday we went to bed; later and later each night.
Everyday, we hoped tomorrow would be different.
But everyday is the same.
Everyday cases rose, deaths soared, and stores closed.
Everyday we masked up, checked our temps, and sanitized our hands.
Everyday we worried. We wondered. We thought, “is this our last everyday?”
Everyday we watched. The doctors pleading for us to stay at home.
Everyday we watched people disobey.
Everyday we watched the numbers soar.
Everyday we watched the lives lost.
Everyday we watched a loved one die.
Everyday we asked for guidance.
Everyday Fauci said, “stay at home”.
Everyday our leader said, “it’s not a big deal”, yet everyday there were people lost.
Everyday we wondered when enough would be enough. When we would have no more everyday’s.
Everyday we asked for help.
Everyday he said, “just drink bleach, it’s okay”.
Everyday was a dark day.
Everyday was worse than yesterday.
Everyday we wanted better. But everyday was only worse.
Everyday is the same. But then everyday changed.
Everyday we went to school.
Everyday we saw our teachers masked.
Everyday we played soccer, basketball, and football.
Everyday we watched the winning goal scored from our homes.
Everyday was different, yet everyday was still the same.
Everyday we hoped it would be better, that we would be back in school full time soon.
But then again, everyday changed.
Everyday they said, “stay at home, don’t get on that plane”.
But everyday they went against. They gave their thanks, but not from afar.
Everyday was worse than before.
Everyday was our darkest day. But the even darkest days were still ahead.
Everyday they grew and grew. The deaths. The cases. The families forever fractured.
Then it came.
We could see the light at the end of our very dark tunnel.
A Christmas miracle one would say.
But we still continued to lose.
Everyday more and more lives lost.
Everyday they are turned away.
Everyday supplies dwindle.
Everyday there is one less bed.
Everyday there is one more burnt out healthcare worker.
Yet everyday some of us live our lives like this deadly virus is a thing of the past.
A “hoax” is what they say.
We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.
Everyday is still the same.
We’ve had 325 everday’s.
Everyday will one day change; hopefully for the better.
But for now . . .
Everyday is the same.