Swishing my wrapped feet along the pools filling up every pothole around me,
I breathe.
I am alive.
Alive thinking about being alive.
Thinking about life.
What is life?
The meaning of it all…
What is life?
And as I stomp some more,
Persistent curiosity dripping down my spine-
Curling into balls of sweat,
I figure it out.
No way I figured it out…
But yes; I believe I did
This spunky, rich moment is so powerful until
Until I feel my childhood,
My sticky childhood along with all of my pointless bits of knowledge,
Everything I have and I own,
All stacked up tidely into one rosy-cheeked suitcase,
Being ripped out of my chest from my bare, still breathing lungs.
Because now…
Now I no longer am a child
Or a thinker
Or human.
Curiosity glides and gushes out of my pores
Until it’s all out.
Merging into the same puddles I splashed in in my youth
Like sizzling butter into steamy chocolate chip pancakes, I had once gulfed down.
Because life isn’t supposed to understand itself
And I… have just made the biggest mistake.