Many people are unhappy because they are not able to graduate traditionally this year and they are missing many fun events that schools have for the end of the year as well. For us eight graders, we are missing out on many things that PGJH (Plum Grove Junior High) has been doing for many years. For example going for a field trip to someplace fun or even just a graduation itself. In highschools all across America, seniors are missing big events like prom. Prom is a huge event for seniors because it is such a big memory for so many people before they go to college. This is really unfortunate for them especially because they don’t get to be fully appreciated by people for their massive accomplishments that they have achieved throughout their years in grade school. I think something we can do for graduation is postpone it to sometime next summer when school is out again and this virus is hopefully over. This way we won’t be missing out on anything and we can do the graduation traditionally. Another thing we can do is we can have a specific time where we all drive by Plum Grove and receive all the things for graduation that we would normally get by teachers handing it out. This is what some high schools are doing as well. Another thing I saw is one highschool principal in California drove around his town and met all the graduating students in person and talked to them which I thought was absolutely amazing. Some other Ideas I have are that we could do a virtual graduation where kids individually zoom the principal. The last thing that I was thinking that we could do was we could all go and visit the principal and she would personally hand out the diplomas or something like that. This idea would work great because it wouldn’t involve too many people coming close together and it would mean more to the student than a video call would because it would be in person!