A period of time in everyone’s life, just the reasons are different as to why you are silent
Some people are silenced by the death of a loved one
Some are silenced by their insecurities and social validation
I fall into the second category
I feel as if I am paralyzed mentally by my insecurities
I have so much to say but I somehow can’t get myself to spit out the words
Afraid if anyone will judge or not listen
So many candles of ideas
Not lit
I make other people’s confidence go up
But I am unable to have confidence myself
I put a smile on everyone else’s face
But fail to make myself smile
I shall live in this world of silence
I shall stay quiet and not speak up
I shall not be bold and confident
Until I met a wise woman
She said why are you so insecure?
You’re absolutely beautiful
You should start embracing yourself
You should use your voice
You should speak whatever you want
You shouldn’t care about others
Live and embrace the skin you live in
Your not going to magically change into someone else one day
But you can start by accepting yourself and start to be more confident
That’s all I have to say
The journey is yours
You can either take my words or leave them
I took them
What she said was valid
I’m not magically going to turn into a different person
I will be the same person ‘till death
I will love myself
I will put forth my voice in the world
Regardless of anyone’s opinions
I will be me
After all if I don’t be me
Then who will?