During the winter it’s like looking through a clouded window. The snow coated ledge slowly melting away. You hear the dripping of droplets as it melts away. But, as it begins to change to spring it becomes clearer. Along with the weather change people do too. You start to see people walking, with family or pets, all around the neighborhood. You begin to see birds carefully picking through small sticks just to find the perfect one. You begin to see new life as plants start to grow and flowers bloom. You watch as the little kids come from the creek with some critter in a jar. You hear the laughter from kids running and playing. But when it rains it seems the window clouds backup you don’t hear the laughing kids or see the families walking. You don’t see the small birds looking for the perfect stick. You don’t see the little kids running up from the creek. It all becomes cloudy it seems. It’s like you are back in winter where it’s cold and cloudy. You hear the droplets of rain hit the clouded window. The rain could go on for days so why not clear the window for others instead of them clearing it for you. Go out and create laughter by running around in the rain. Go down by the creek and watch as the current takes away your paper boat. Go slide in the mud and be a kid and just have fun. Instead of everyone’s windows being clouded by this rain it’s cleared just by hearing and seeing kids and people having some fun.
My community is exactly like this. As the weather warms up everyone is out and doing stuff with their families. There are a long line of creeks that connect to ours and you always see the kids walking up from it. You can always see people working in their gardens and freshening them up. You also see people lending a helping hand to people helping them with their garden. You can sit and make flower crowns with friends. When the rain comes I enjoy going on walks with my dog in the forest behind my house. It’s also fun when all the kids line and up watch as your drop sticks down into the creek, full of rushing water, and the kids wait for it to float by. It’s almost like a game whoever spots the stick first wins. The community I live in continues to clear my windows with all of this stuff I see, hear, and do.