To distance or not to distance — that’s the question:
Whether ‘tis better to endure the quarantine
And to spend all of the day in isolation
Or ignore sensibility for sanity
And, by opposing law put others in danger?
To remain confined in small quarters without friends
To comfort one in these stressful times of despair
And fear. Without extreme measures, disease prevails.
Ay, there’s the rub. The difficulty of distance:
A small price to pay to save the lives of others.
Losing out on important milestones in our lives
Is sad and seems unfair at times. Such precious days
With those we spent most of our lives — like family–
Cut short, ended early, but without a goodbye
And no hugs to give when we cry, no hand to hold.
We will not walk the halls or see friends one last time.
No luxury of cherishing the last moments.
Our great finale, so long awaited by all
Put to a halt. But still a shortened semester
is better than broken families, and shortened lives.