Where does the road end, when does the road end
Knowledge what I desire that and only that
Why can’t i have it
I have climbed mountains scarring my hands
Swam in rivers leaving my lungs behind tearing them from my chest to continue my quest
Fought kings and queens going against their judgment
Been punished for my crimes to get the knowledge I so desire
Fined,shamed,and mutated just to see if this endless road of mine ends
I barely know who I am anymore my skin is tattered and black
I am missing parts of my body that I need, one leg keeps me going on the traveling roads
Blood clings to my body as I keep searching for knowledge
Chained to be a slave to try and find all the knowledge that I seek
I can’t stop this is my curse and punishment
To keep searching for all eternity for this knowledge losing parts of my body and mind in the process till nothing is left of me on this earth
A slave how fitting for a person like me
How far do others go for knowledge
Do the go as far as me or do they leave and give up halfway
Te question we should be asking ourselves is what is the price you will pay for the knowledge that you seek
Then and only after that question is answered does the road end