Crackling and burning,
The flames pull me in
And I almost
the biting cold in my toes.
My classmates and friends
Talking and laughing.
I can almost
The mask constricting my face.
The familiarity of burned marshmallows
And sticky fingers,
I can almost
The weight of lives
And the stress
To protect
From an invisible killer.
We line up to take a photo,
Falling through the crust
And I can almost
This new constricted feeling in my chest
of being near
too many people.
The birds in the distance
Remind me
Of spring.
And I realize I’ve almost
That life goes on,
And in time
Things will be back to normal
And we can
This year we lost.
But for me it isn’t entirely
I stood by a crackling and burning fire,
Ate a s’more,
And took a picture with my friends.
Maybe this fire isn’t
The same as all the other fires.
But it started as a match,
burned up the scavenged kindling,
And a spare runaway newspaper.
It came from wood split by an axe
And drowned everyone in smoke.
Some things have changed,
But fire
is fire,
is fire.
And that I won’t