Outside my window is the ville which until 2020 was chill my city my precious home is gone into pieces like dust in the wind I can’t wait for peace to descend my favorite park is downtown no longer peaceful makes me frown with the rest of the world I find common ground Black Lives Matter they are as important as everyone else they each have their own sense of self if they don’t belong how do we expect society to get along we fear the people who are supposed to keep us safe but within the system they have plenty of hate my generation is dying from police brutality That’s why we have a bad mentality I hope that the homeless get out of the streets everyday that’s two less heartbeats I pray my people get equality they have been through so much anger is deep inside of me We all equal in god’s eyes eventually we can step back into the sunshine we are in the shadows at these dark times Louisville is really a nice place it is home of the derby race even in chaos it’s still my home though not as fun to roam I still play hoops at the parks and occasionally ride the bus in the back though I would not be able to if not for rosa parks. Thank you all for your life-changing sparks.