Sometimes I like to keep my curtains closed
Because it pains me to see the things outside of my window
A single mother struggling to pay rent
It’s hard to keep the lights on, or provide for her kids
There’s a homeless guy that I always see
And I beg my mom to give him money
And she always says she can’t
Because the money we have has to go towards the rent
There’s another homeless guy who lives in a tent
And according to other homeless people, he’s rich
I hate looking out at the neighborhood I live in
A 3-year-old murdered and found in a ditch
I keep my curtains closed to avoid seeing things like this
The streets are bumpy, and the trees are bare
Nobody cares about our neighborhood
There is trash everywhere
There is a drug dealer on the corner of the street
He seems tough but he really just wants some food to eat
A girl I know is bullied and she is tired of living
She says she’ll feel better if she just keeps cutting
I am not gonna lie and say where I live is great
It’s not, it’s full of tragedy and hate
The street lights are broken
There’s graffiti on the walls
But we are all just people
And we all have our flaws
Our flaws are what makes us strong
Because the more mistakes we make
The more we can correct each other when we are wrong
So sometimes I like to keep my curtains open
So I can see the love, and the growth that lies beyond the closed curtains