Outside my window
Is a promised land of equal opportunity
“You can be whatever you want”
Is what we are constantly told as kids
Until someone tries to sabotage us
Based on a skin color we can’t change
Outside my window
Is a world that we are truly frightened by.
Police arresting for no reason
Beating and shooting us, feeling no remorse
As our pleas and cries continue to go unheard
But not by the people with a darker skin color
Outside my window
Was a promised land of the free
But why are they still trying to hold us on a leash?
As if we are dogs foaming at the mouth
Ready to attack any random person we see
If only they saw
That I’m just a harmless person trying to navigate the world.
Outside my window
Is a world where I live fearlessly
They think that shooting and killing
Should make us feel scared?
We will only fight back ten times harder
Not with guns or knives or fists
But with words and facts
That today’s society is not ready for.
Today I look outside my window.
I say to myself
“You can do this”
And strut outside the door
Confident and ready