I’m all dolled up in a royal blue dress, with streaks of bronze accents.
My perfect hair,
Highlights my face.
The room I’m in,
Is boring mustard
My dress brightens up the bland room.
The shadows around me;
Are like my followers,
Who are “fangirling” me
To build my ego.
I stand up straight and confident
Even when it’s hard.
Everyone believes I am the ideal woman,
But my non symmetrical face, shows my flaws.
When I’m down I cover up my feelings
Under my tall hat or my elegant dress.
My serious face,
Sometimes an act,
To hide my emotions.
I don’t have anyone,
To let out my feelings,
To look after me,
To love me.
My parents haven’t returned
It’s been five years,
I haven’t heard any news,
No one has.
All I hold of them is my father’s gold pocket watch.