I. Up from a dream, What is it that brings us back to reality? Is it the birdsong or the sirens or the smell of morning on the breeze? Is it knowledge or hope or somewhere in between? Do you wake for tomorrow or yesterday or the misty lingering dreams? At what point do you let dreamland dissolve and become of the earth? Where is the blurry line between the two? What will it take for your day to become a dream, What will you give to turn your dreams into days? Are you a dreamer? I think we all are the morning sun or the summer rain or the promise of today, Your breath is your dream this life is your dance Into a dream what is the last thing on your mind? Is it the day or the dawn of the lost sea of youth? Knowledge or hope, regret or resolve? Did you live, or did you dream? So slip into a dream If you never leave Would that be alright? I’m walking the line between what I know is right and what my heart feels when no one’s watching not the only traveler, no, This wire is polished by the footsteps of the wanderers before But for now, I’m alone Alone with the clouds And the tottering balance of a heart I wish I could dream without the knowledgeThat tomorrow would come to tear it all down I wish I could live in a gust of wind Without the fear, not even of being blown away But of losing control I suppose we’re all wanderers, Dreamers, Dancing with the stars I suppose were all a little bit lost But Seeing you wrapped in the morning I can’t help but wonder if we aren’t all a little bit found as well If I live for today Why is the morning my muse? And if I live for tomorrow Why is it still just a fantasy? You can steal me And you can jail me And you can chain me to the floor But i will not be your prisoner My body may be bound but my mind Is the sky itself, I am not Your captive I am not your pawn; If I am a chesspiece let me be the queen-Brave and altruistic And beyond the bounds of earth You can take all that I own but the stars Will still be mineThe person you see when you Peer through these bars may be yours but I Belong to no one I Am breath. |